HLARA         Heartland Antique Radio Association, Inc.

Event Calendar

Date Time Place Event
11/2/24 8:00 AM Big Biscuit 5335 E 41st Eggs and electrons Breakfast
11/21/24 6:30 PM Asbury Midwest Radios - Earl Massoth
12/7/24 8:00 AM Big Biscuit 5335 E 41st Eggs and electrons Breakfast
12/19/24  6:30 PM Asbury Christmas Party

Monthly meetings are held the third Thursday of each month, 6:30 PM at Asbury Church, 6767 S. Mingo, Tulsa, OK  74133 (except June and December). Enter at the North Entrance - double doors just to the left of the blue family room awning.


Breakfast asbury silvertone-6121 zenith scott philco-42-321